Na ostatnią inspirację dla 13 Arts przygotowałem kartkę z przepiękną ważką ze Snip Artu. Dodałem kolory prosto z palety zestawu farb akwarelowych 13 Arts. Wyszło prosto, ale ciekawie.
My latest inspiration for 13 Arts is a card with beautiful dragonfly from Snip Art. I added colors from 13 Arts watercolors set. It's simple, but interesting.
David, I have to come back to this, I wrote a gushingly in awe comment on this piece, but I guess it disappeared instead of going to you. This card is SO amazing! Just too cool that you thought to add the paint brushes for detail and texture and effect. Color choices are fabulous. I’ve pinned it for inspiration. I really love what you’ve created with this card!
OdpowiedzUsuńI wrote Dawid and obviously did not notice that auto-correct thought I spelled your name wrong.
UsuńIt's OK with my name, it's this same name in both languages ;P I'm happy you like it. :)